Thursday, September 6, 2007

September and how it started in a cistern

Looking at the outside and into the cistern from the top ( see my boots :))
I hope every one had a fun time this long weekend. I worked at home in between having a good time.

It all started on Thursday when the cistern pump was running so I turned it off and looked in the cistern and it was empty. The wife had just got a load of water only 2 weeks ago so we should not be out this soon. With it being so dry and no rain we have to have water trucked in. She was not too happy when she got the news. With all the water gone there must be a crack in it some place.

We tried to think back how long ago we cleaned it out and sealed it. Talking to my daughter she said the last time she remembers us doing it she was about 10 and she is 34 now. Wow, how times fly’s when we are having fun LOL. So it has been at least 20 years the last time it was done. It should be cleaned and sealed every 3 to 5 years.

Saturday morning the wife and my self went out there and cleaned all the slug that settled in the bottom over the years. There was about 3 to 4 inches of it and scooped out the rest of the water. It was a bucket at a time and a lot of buckets that went out of it.

For the ones that no clue what a cistern is. It is a holding tank that is in ground that holds water. This one is brick what has a coating of cement on the inside. That gets coated with white Portland cement to seal it. This one is round and a little over 6 foot across and 12 feet in the ground, with a 2 ft. X 2 ft. opening at the top to put a ladder in to get inside.

Sunday I was back in it cleaning, scraping, and scrubbing. Latter in the after noon I went to a BBQ to have some fun and be with good friends.

Monday I was hard at it once more cleaning out all the cracks so I could seal it. My youngest son come over to help and we worked until it was ready for sealing.
So Tuesday I called around to find a bag of white Portland cement. That is not as easy as one thinks. I made at least 20 calls and was about ready to give up when the last place I called told me they had it but could not sell retail L but he gave me a name of the place I could get it. I went and picked it up and headed back home to start working on coating the inside to seal it. It was about 12:30 when I started and finished up at 4:30. It was so hot that I had water in my boots when I took them off. So that sealed it all and I got 2 coats on the bad parts.

Today Wednesday I had to do a final coat on the bottom to make sure it was sealed. That did not take to long. It has to dry for a day or two then all I can do is pray for rain to fill it up. Then we will have water at the house once more.

Latex_ Robert

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Latex Sheeting 8/23/07

Today I received my order of Sheet Latex from 4D Rubber Co.. I have some new colors and gauges. I have over 200 yards of new Latex. I do sell as little as 0.5 yard (1/2 yard). Shipping only in the USA. Have a look at my web site under Sheet Latex.
Latex_ Robert

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Latex Class August 2007

Don't miss out the price will go up on July 3 to $130.00

Dulca Scenes, Inc. ‘The Farm’ in KY is hosting the Third Annual Robert Anton’s Latex Class.Fri. – Sun., August, 17 - 19, 2007

Anton’s Latex (Robert Anton) will be teaching Caring for & Repairing Latex Clothing.

This is Robert Anton’s 3rd year sharing his passion for latex at ‘The Farm’!Early, discounted, registration for the class is only $95.00. Early registration ends July 2nd. On July 3rd registration goes up to $130.00 until August 11th. After August 11, 2007 registration will be $175.00 and must be paid on arrival. NOTE: You still must RSVP with info to confirm (hold) your space, to obtain lodging info, and get directions to ‘The Farm’.

For information about the class go to

To RSVP / ask questions e-mail:

This is a ‘hands on class’. Robert will be covering:

Caring for, cleaning, storing and shining your latex.

Ways your latex clothing can be damaged and what you can do about it

Tools and supplies needed for the repairs of latex.

Repairing latex, bring your damaged latex items, there should be time (on Sat. or Sun.) to repair it (with Robert’s supervision - help).

Sheet latex, repair supplies, and tools will be available for sale during the class.

Mail registration today. Must be postmarked by July 2, 2007 w check, MO, or certified check to:


LC Weekend

P.O. Box 1062

Russell Springs, KY 42642-1062

Be sure to INCLUDE your e-mail address, name/screen name, and phone number! Upon receipt of your registration we will e-mail you confirmation, a list of motels w phone numbers, (you can stay here for a small donation), directions, and our phone number. Questions &/or to RSVP? E-mail put LC Weekend in the subject line.Registration goes up to $130.00 on July 3, 2007, on Aug. 11, it goes up to $175.00! Don’t wait!

All times are Central TimeAugust 17, 2007 Friday Evening - ‘Meet and Greet’ 7 pm - 10 pm CTAugust 18, 2007 Saturday - Breakfast on your own - Sign in 9 am - 10 am CTSaturday Class will start at 10 am - 5 pm CT with a light lunch.

After the class on Saturday you can join us for dinner out (Dutch Treat) then back to ‘The Farm’ for a Latex Party and Fashion Show. (Bring your latex)August 19, 2007 Sunday 9 am – noon CT ‘After Class Get-Together’

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Cheustmas Stocking/Boot

This is the new Latex Christmas Stocking/Boot for this year. Order yous early to avoid the last minute rush.

Latex_ Robert


Friday, June 8, 2007

Question of the week

Does any one out there read the post I put on here?

Latex_ Robert

Thursday, May 31, 2007


It has been a long time since my last blog. There has been a lot going on but it has been all good. I thought I should sit down and share it with you.

I just got back yesterday (5-30-07) from spending a week at ‘The Farm’ with Doña & Lady Robin helping them get ready for FarmCon and cleaning up after it was all over. I still had time to sit down, rest and enjoy the company of good friends and time to be alone to get away from the real world. There was time that I spent in my latex that is hard to do around here, I can dress as I wish and no one around to tell me it is not right.

For the first FarmCon I think it went of great and every one had a good time. There were 4 venders, a lot of good classes and the most fun was the auction. The auctioneer was so funny he had us all laughing so hard we where crying, I think it was the hit of the weekend.

I am back in the real world and back to working for a living. I do have to fill some orders and make some latex items that I sold over the week end.

Latex_ Robert

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Latex Class

Come to Kentucky to Dulca Scenes, Inc. ‘The Farm’ is hosting the Third Annual Anton’s Latex Class. Fri. – Sun., August, 17 - 19, 2007
For information on this class and other events I will be attending or presenting at go to my website at Events and Classes.
It will be a fun weekend I will be teaching Caring for and Repairing your latex, a must for you latex owners. This will be a hands on workshop.
There will be time to have a latex party and fashion show. A good place to meet other people that are into latex, have some fun and do some repairing.
I hope to see some people that I talk to on line and meet some new ones.
Latex_ Robert

Friday, March 2, 2007

Today 3/2/07

I have not put anything down in words in a long time. Too many things have been going on in my life to take time to sit down and write. So I thought I would take some time now and put something down.

Now that my parents are gone (it is hard to believe it has been almost 6 months that Mom is gone) the week ends are spent trying to work on the house and clean it out. We are going to have one more sale Saturday Mar 03 from 7 am to 3 pm and we are hopping to get rid on most of the things. What we don’t get rid of I don’t know what we will do with it.

Then it will start on cleaning, painting the inside, pull the carpet up so we can clean the hard wood floors. At least they did keep the place up so there are not a lot of big repairs to be done on it. Then it will go up for sale.

At work here I have been trying to do some work. I got some new windows that my brother is going to put in the office. I have been trying to replace them for the past 10 years. The seals are broke and some of them are fogged up that you can’t see out. The new ones should not let all the cold in like the old ones.

I have been getting thing together so I can build my self a clean room in the shop for my latex. I have the window for it. I have a door that is over 100 years old that I’ve taken apart striped down and put all back together and in primmer. So I have a start on getting the room going.

I had to have the roof repaired on the shop it was leaking, they did that today. It all was feels like there is thing to do and no time to do them. Or is it I push them off and don’t take the time to do them?

I have not taken much time to do any latex work in the past weeks. I need to start making more items and get an eBay account to see if I can sell some of them. I should make am order for sheet latex from the UK but that is BIG bucks with the shipping.

A good friend Mistress Jacqueline moved to Boston this week. I will miss her a lot but I am happy for her that she found some one. She found some one and moved up there. I will miss doing all the latex photo shoots with her. Going to the park in our latex for the shoot and doing some of them at her house.

So that is the thing going on in my life. I hope they settle down soon so this old man can take it easy.

Latex_ Robert

Monday, January 29, 2007

New Year

This is the way I went to the New Years party in my new black coat and the white tux with a yellow cat suit under it.

It was a all white party so every one was dressed in white, every thing was white in the room. That is strange when you see all these people only in black or dark clothing most of the time. We even had white or light colored food, nothing dark.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Better Today 1/24/07

I am feeling a lot better today I got here early, looked at my e mail and the groups I am on. I decided to go for a walk that makes my day go along better. (I should do this every morning it would be good for me) I got out my new latex out-back coat slipped it on snapped it up and away I went. It was about a mile that I walked and it was still dark out there.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

1/23/07 The Past Days

The past day was really hard to deal with. I could not get myself up and get going. I got here to work and took a nap for 2 hours, the phone rang 3 times and I did not get up to answer it. A little later I go up to answer it. It was a friend and we talked some. after that I went to the store to get food for lunch for the rest of the week. Got back here, put away the food and took a 4 hour nap. So I finely got up at noon and had lunch. I did not do a lot the rest of the day but I did not take any more naps. The day was so overcast and gloomy and it just got me down.
Today I am feeling a lot better the sun is out, I paid some of the bills around here and I am going in the shop and do some work. I will have to work on cars and metal work today. Tomorrow I think i will work on latex things :)
Have a good latex day
Latex_ Robert

Monday, January 15, 2007

Good times in vacbed.
Some people could spend a life time in a vacuum bed.