Monday, January 29, 2007

New Year

This is the way I went to the New Years party in my new black coat and the white tux with a yellow cat suit under it.

It was a all white party so every one was dressed in white, every thing was white in the room. That is strange when you see all these people only in black or dark clothing most of the time. We even had white or light colored food, nothing dark.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Better Today 1/24/07

I am feeling a lot better today I got here early, looked at my e mail and the groups I am on. I decided to go for a walk that makes my day go along better. (I should do this every morning it would be good for me) I got out my new latex out-back coat slipped it on snapped it up and away I went. It was about a mile that I walked and it was still dark out there.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

1/23/07 The Past Days

The past day was really hard to deal with. I could not get myself up and get going. I got here to work and took a nap for 2 hours, the phone rang 3 times and I did not get up to answer it. A little later I go up to answer it. It was a friend and we talked some. after that I went to the store to get food for lunch for the rest of the week. Got back here, put away the food and took a 4 hour nap. So I finely got up at noon and had lunch. I did not do a lot the rest of the day but I did not take any more naps. The day was so overcast and gloomy and it just got me down.
Today I am feeling a lot better the sun is out, I paid some of the bills around here and I am going in the shop and do some work. I will have to work on cars and metal work today. Tomorrow I think i will work on latex things :)
Have a good latex day
Latex_ Robert

Monday, January 15, 2007

Good times in vacbed.
Some people could spend a life time in a vacuum bed.